
Ifa Reading of the Year 2020-2021


Aboru Aboye! I hope you are well and in the best of spirits. See the annual Ifa Reading below. It’s sure to be an interesting year. Strap in. We’re in for a hell of a ride!


We greet you all in the name of Olodumare, Orunmila and all other Orisa. We also extend the greetings of Araba Agbaye Olu-Isese, the Permanent Chairman of the Council of Araba/Oluwo, to you all in this season of the World Ifa Festival. With combine efforts of Board of Ethics and Scripture and the Council of Elders of ICIR, we the members of Publication Committee of the Oke-Itase 2020/2021 Organizing Committee set up by the International Council for Ifa Religion are hereby presenting verses of the Ifa of the year recited with inspiration by the priests on the mat in the early hour of Sunday, 7th June, 2020, which stands as the first day of the year in Ifa calendar system. The Odu Ifa that came out for this year is OGBEOTURA (Ogbe on the right, Otura on the left). The Odu advises us to guide against death and ebo is recommended to avert it. In addition to the priests who were physically present, other Ifa Priests from Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Republic of Togo, Ghana, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, Germany, United States of America, Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, Panama, Britain, Switzerland and Sweden were all allowed to make their contributions. The verses of OGBEOTURA recited with their narratives are below:
Ifa says people should stop oppressing others based on religious affinity, colour or race. It is advised that oppressed group should make ebo to be free. Sacrifice for emancipation from oppression is needed this year. Those who are at the fore front of struggle for freedom must make ebo to fortify and protect themselves. With necessary sacrifice and determination, the victory is assured. The items of ebo include one he-goat, small knife, Ifa leaves, pap, palm oil and money. On this, Ifa says:
Jala Awo Eresun-un
A difa fun Yerepe
O maa gba ara re
Yoo si gba igi oko
Osan pon ooo
Yerepe a ku

Jala Awo Eresun-un
Cast Ifa for Yerepe, the nettle
It would be defending itself
It will also be defending the trees in the farm
It is noon
Yerepe, the nettle is ready to itch

Each person should use snail to appease his/her head. The appeasement should take place at the shrine of Esu or spot where Esu stands. The snail juice put on the head should be allowed to drop on Esu. Ebo should be made to repel any form of calamity and to draw fortunes near. Items of ebo here include thre cocks, three snails, palm oil, kola nuts, pap, money and gin. On this, Ifa says:
Orunmila lo di ewu kee
Ifa mi ewu a peyin da
O ni ki won fi igbin bori
Ki won fi bo orun Esu
Ki ibi le peyin da
Ki ire le de

Orunmila says this is a sign of danger
Ifa says danger will turn back
He said people should appease their heads with snail
And put it on Esu
So that misfortunes turn away
To usher in fortunes.

Ifa says those who are experiencing difficulty of any type should not despair. Also, people who have attempted things without success should not be discouraged. According to this Ifa, success is assured this year. Those whose businesses have not been profitable will profit this year. Parents should not lose hope on their children who have been failures. Ifa says, this year, the incessant failures will give way for great success for the children. Items of ebo include 8 pigeons, honey, gin, pap, palm oil, personal used cloth and money. After making the ebo, the person will take the cloth to the forest, be naked and burn it. After burning that sacrificial cloth, he/she will dress up and go home. On this, Ifa says:
Ori omo dara baba ko mo
A difa fun Jegbe
To n je ni oyikiti ise
Lojo to n roko ode
O perin erin di oke
O pefon efon di apata
O pa agbonrin, agbonrin di okiti ogan
Won ni ko kara nile ebo ni ko se
O gbebo nibe o rubo
Jegbe gbesin dudu gun
Jegbe gbesin pupa gun
Jegbe gbesin funfun gun
O ni riru ebo a maa gbeni
Ka setutu a maa gbeniyan
E ko rifa ti awo ki bo ti n se bi ala more
Ibi ire laa bani lese kan Obarisa

A child is destined to be successful but not revealed to the father
Ifa revelation to Jegbe
Who was experiencing abject poverty
When going on hunting
He killed an elephant but the elephant turned into hill
He killed a buffalo but the buffalo turned into rock
He killed a deer but the deer turned to anthill
He was advised to make ebo which he did
Jegbe, choose black horse to ride
Jegbe, choose red horse to ride
Jegbe, choose white horse to ride
He said making necessary sacrifice is always beneficial
Making recommended rituals always profits one
Can’t you see how Ifa Priests proclamations come to pass like dreams
It is amidst fortunes we meet people at the feet of Obarisa

This year, women will triumph in every way. Women are in the best position to rescue the community from disasters. Ifa says all that men cannot accomplish for the community will be achieved by women. Every man should appease the head of his mother to overcome any kind of war be it physical or spiritual. If the mother is alive, it is necessary to also seek to know what she needs and get it for her. If she is late, appeasement is necessary. The items for the appeasement can be asked from Ifa. On this, Ifa says:
Orunmila lo di ibi Jegbe
Ifa mi ka ti bi Jegbe mu Ogbetua ki
Ki eni ma baa ku ibo
Ki eni ma baa ki oregede
Oloori kan go
Onibabatutu ekuru
N la fii segun Oluretemogbo
Oluretemogbo laa pe Oso
Oluretemogbo laa pe Aje
Oluretemogbo laa pe alawirin abenu kun kun kun
Ogun ti okunrin jajaja ti ko le se
Ti olobinrin lo se
Ki o maa je ogun oniyenyetuye
Ogun ti olokunrin tun jajaja ti ko le se
Ti olobinrin tun lo se
Ki o maa je ogun oniyenyetuye
Arogbaja ni yeye Ogun je
Ori yeye Ogun ni ba Ogun sete

Orunmila said this is like the issue of Jegbe
Ifa said one should look into the odu of Ogbetura in relation to Jegbe
So that such priest would not miss the divine message
So that such priest would not be relaying irrelevant messages
Corn meal with sour taste
Ground and cooked beans destitute of pepper and palm oil
Are what we use to overpower Oluretemogbo
Oluretemogbo is the name we call Oso
Oluretemogbo is the name we call Aje
Oluretemogbo is the name we call those who backbite
The war that a man fought without success
Which a woman won successfully
Should be referred to as oniyenyetuye war
The war that a man fought without success
Which a woman won successfully
Should be referred to as oniyenyetuye war
Ogun’s mother is called Arogbaja
It is Ogun’s mother who always makes Ogun victorious

Ifa says people who have been alleged falsely will be vindicated. People with legal issues need to make ebo. The item of the ebo will include a he-goat, bush fowl (partridge), palm oil, big rat, gin, pap and money. On this, Ifa says:
Kukute kuku awo eba ona
A difa fun Aparo oyeye
To n roko ailerelodun
Mo mu un ra
Mo mu un je
Mo mu un ra laparo n ke

Kukute kuku awo eba ona
Cast Ifa for Aparo (the Partridge)
When going to the farm
I have done this with impunity
I have done this without being punished
I have done this with impunity is the sound of Aparo, the Partridge

Ifa says this year, all the lost fortunes will be regained. Ifa says the lost glories of Yorubaland will be regained if all Oba in Yorubaland perform prescribed ebo and they turn unto and believe in the divine power of Orunmila. The items needed to make ebo include 8 pigeons, honey, gin, pap and money. On this, Ifa says:
Otooto eyi ti n rajo
Boo nile re kan ti ri na
A difa fun Orunmila
Lojo ire re sonu
To n wa a ti ko ri i
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo nibe o rubo
E wi fun Alara, e pe mo ri Ire
E wi fun Ajero, e pe mo ri Ire
E wi fun Owarangun, e pe mo ri Ire
Ire to sonu, Ire ti de

An important person travelling
How is the situation of his/her house?
That was the Ifa declaration to Orunmila
When he lost his fortunes
And he was searching for them
He was advised to make ebo
He complied
Tell king Alara, that I have regained my lost glories
Let king Ajero be aware that I have seen the fortunes
Inform king Owarangun, that I have regained my lost glories
The lost glories, they have returned.

For those who are longing for the fruit of the womb, ebo should be made and Ifa appeased. On this, Ifa says:
Orunmila hi itereitere
Hi iteere mi teere Bara mi Agbonniregun
O ni isu se teere, isu n ta
Ato resereserese se teere si ikun omobinrin
Abode e, oyun lo fi ni
Abode e, Omo lo fi bi
Won ni to ba je bii tomo eni
Kin ni ka fi se e?
Orunmila ni o di eni to ni ayebo adiye
Ko fi bofa nibe
Amo ti a gbo poko
Omo loyele n ke pe

Orunmila says in a surprised way
I say in a surprised Bara mi Agbonmiregun
He said the yam in a surprised way produces tuber
Ato, the sperm in a surprised way gets into the woman’s womb
Later, she becomes pregnant
Later, she gives birth to child
People asked what if it is about somebody else
What shall we do?
Orunmila said the person should provide a hen
And use it to appease Ifa
We hear the sound of a hen
It is chicks that are been called

Ifa advises people, especially the religious leaders, the priests and priestesses to increase their responsibility of gathering people. There should be more community temples. This year, people should focus more on doing things in group rather than individual. Also, people should refrain from whatever is capable of splitting members of temples, organisations or groups. On this, Ifa says:
Ogbe teere ogbe ni
Ogbe gogoro ogbe ni
A difa fun Olomo Iworo
Ti won ni ko wa kole Ifa jo
Nje e momo kole Ifa jo
Olomo Iworo!
E momo kole Ifa Ifa jo

The slender Ogbe is Ogbe
The tall Ogbe is also Ogbe
Ifa revelation to Iworo, the priest
Who was given the task of gathering worshippers
Endeavor to gather devotees together
Oh yee priests!
Make sure you gather devotees together

For protection, heads of families need to play the proper roles of protecting the members of the families. Fathers should protect their wives and children. We should endeavor to get initiated into Ifa for protection. Each head of family should make sure the members of the family are initiated. Also, this year, head of the family should desist from praying alone. Any prayer before Ifa should be done together with all members of the family. On this, Ifa says:
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
A difa fun Orunmila ti yoo mura re wogbo aiku
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
A difa fun Orunmila ti yoo mu aya re wogbo aiku
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
A difa fun Orunmila ti yoo mu omo re wogbo aiku
Igbo aiku mo mura mi wo
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Igbo aiku mo maya miwo
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Igbo aiku mo momo mi wo
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori.

Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
Cast Ifa for Orunmila, he would enter the grove of longevity
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
Cast Ifa for Orunmila, he would take the wives to the grove of longevity
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
Cast Ifa for Orunmila, he would take his children to the grove of longevity
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
It is grove of longevity I have entered
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
It is grove of longevity I have taken my wives into
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
It is grove of longevity I have taken my childen into
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gori
Emi ni n gorigo
Also, for those who are already sick, ebo should be made with a he-goat, big rat, palm oil, pap, an eda specie of rat and money. After the ebo, the rat will be used to touch every part of the body for three days and it will be put on Esu on the third day. On this, Ifa says:
Irin to fin in lorun ope
A difa fun Orunmila
Baba maa fi edan eku paaro ara re
Ewe onisana mi
Kaka ki awo ku
Awo a fi edan eku paaro ara re

Irin to fin in lorun ope
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
He would use a complete rat as a substitute to avert death for himself
Here is onisana leaf
Instead of a priest to die
The priest will use a complete rat as a substitute

This year Ifa said we should be futuristic. Ifa advises us to always get involved in things that will profit us in the future, not to think of only the present gain. We should have plan for our futures. Our concern should be for our old age for individual. Also, for our communities, we should focus on developments in all areas such as education, economy, science and technology. This is needed to be able to meet future demands so that the community will not be lagging behind. Whatever we are doing today, we should be conscious of nemesis and refrain from anything that will have negative effect on us in the future. On this Ifa says:
Emo ni fori gbonini jako
Oya ni ko rumurumu wodo
A difa fun Aaro
A bu fun Ale
Owuro mi ree
Ale ni n toro
Bale mi ba sunwon
Ma dupedupe.

It is emo rat that puts its head forward passing through wet grasses in the bush
It is grass cutter that enters the river awkwardly
Ifa revelation for the Aaro (Morning/Early time)
Ifa revelation for Ale (Evening/Later time)
This is my early time
I am praying for good future
If my future is perfect
I will be grateful

Ifa says people should stop false allegation against one another. In the palaces in Yoruba land, people have lied against Ifa Priests, Araba and Oluwo in particular. They have tarnished the image of priests/priestesses before the kings but Ifa will vindicate them. Also, people who are falsely alleged should make ebo to be vindicated. The items of ebo include the feathers of vulture, ground hornbill, osin bird, Ifa leaves and money. On this, Ifa says:
Gbadiye sin n o gbadiye sin
Ise oun iya ni mu won gbadiye agbako
A difa fun Jegbe
Tii somo Olojogbonloro
Bomo o reru
A mo ohun to n be ninu re
A difa fun Jegbe
Ti n ru aroko iku lo sode Oyo
Oba jijin ni e jin Jegbe
O mu igunnugun wa kaye oba o le baa gun o
Oba jinjin ni e jin Jegbe
Oba jijin ni e jin Jegbe
O mu akalamogbo wa kaye oba o le baa kale
Oba jinjin ni e jin Jegbe
Oba jijin ni e jin Jegbe
O mu osin gaga wa kaye oba o le baa gbosingbora
Oba jinjin ni e jin Jegbe
Oba jijin ni e jin Jegbe
O mu ewe ape wa koba o le baa pe o
Oba jinjin ni e jin Jegbe
Oba jijin ni e jin Jegbe
O mu ewe ela wa koba o le baa la
Oba jinjin ni e jin Jegbe

Rear the chicken, I won't rear the chicken
It is poverty that makes one rear the chicken for sharing
Ifa revelation to Jegbe
Who was a child of Olojogbonloro
Whenever a child is going to deliver an item
He/she must know the content of the item
Ifa revelation to Jegbe
When going to Oyo with a message of death
Oba, you have to enrich Jegbe
He brought the feathers of vulture for the king’s life to be straight
Oba, you must enrich Jegbe
Oba, you have to enrich Jegbe
He brought the feathers of ground hornbill for the king’s life to be comfortable
Oba, you must enrich Jegbe
Oba, you have to enrich Jegbe
He brought the feathers of osin bird for the king’s life to be full of wealth
Oba, you must enrich Jegbe
Oba, you have to enrich Jegbe
He brought ape leaves for the king to live long
Oba, you must enrich Jegbe
Oba, you have to enrich Jegbe
He brought ela leaves for the king to be rich
Oba, you must enrich Jegbe

Honesty and righteousness should be taken as emblem for all devotees of Orisa. Ifa says people have abandoned the path of truth and they are now trekking the path of falsehood. Orunmila is advising us in this odu to refrain from lying and stick strictly to honesty and faithfulness. Ifa says though there might not be obvious repercussion for telling lies, people should fear the nemesis which will surely catch up with liars eventually. On this Ifa says:
Puropuro kii ku
Enu opuro kii seje
Iro ti won ba pa laaro
Ale ni to tu
A difa fun Iro
A bu fun Otito
Won n raye apaaku
Iro nikan ni n be leyin ti n sebo
Otito diru o rorun
Iro nikan ni n ko won leru kiri.

The liar does not die
The liar’s mouth neither bleeds
The lie told in the morning
Will be exposed at night
Ifa revelation to Iro, the lie
Ifa revelation to Otito, the truth
They were going to the world to live for ever
It was only Iro, the lie who made the necessary ebo
Otito, the truth has gone back to the spiritual realm
It is only iro, the lie that is in the world destroying it

Ifa said, this year, we must make ebo not to record any premature death. Ifa said though enemies do not want many of the elders or leaders to live to witness next year, with recommended ebo, all the leaders and elders will witness next year. Also, we will lose none of the youths. Ebo is needed with a he-goat/three roosters, knife and yam. After making the ebo, we will use the knive to cut the yam vertically. On this, Ifa says:
Olala awo Obe
A difa fun Obe
Obe se odun eyi tan
Ota ni ko ni se omiran
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebo nibe o rubo
Olala iwo lawo Obe
A se odun eyi tan
A oo se ti emin-in
Olala iwo lawo Obe

Olala, the priest of Obe, the knive
Cast Ifa for Obe, the knive
Obe, the knive witnessed this year
The enemies said it would not witness the next year
It was advised to make ebo
It complied
Olala, you are the priest of Obe, the knife
We have witnessed this year
We will surely witness the next year
Olala, you are truly the priest of Obe, the knife

Orunmila has promised his children full protection in the world. Ifa says there are a lot of wars going on here and there. People will be affected but the children of Orunmila will be safe. On this, Ifa says:
Ifa lo di fere
Mo lo di sekedi
Igba nla yi toko wale
Ero Ijesa n pe ara Ijamo
Owa gbo, Owa fawo ekun ko
O di igba ekinni
Won ni Olumoko ogun de
Olumoko jade sita
O logun o tii de
O ni “emi o ri igunnugun lori igba”
O ni “emi o ri akalamogbo lorun ose”
O ni “edun ko ni ki n towo bepe”
O ni “akuko adiye ko ni ki n gbe ase ogun geregere”
O ni “aparo oyeye ko ni ki n palu ra”
Olumoko wole
Nigba to di isogba eketa
Won ni Olumoko ogun de
O ri igunnugun lori igba
O ri akalamogbo lorun ose
Edun ni ko towo bepe
Akuko adiye ni ko gbe ase ogun geregere
Aparo oyeye ni ki o palu ra
Olumoko wa binu fada yo
O pagba eni sotun-un
O pa igba eni si osi
O pa igba eni si aarin gbungbun
O ni Ifa mo pon leyin re, gbendere
Orunmila mo pon leyin re gbendere
Ale eku n be leyin omo eku
Ale eja n be leyin eja
Ale Ikin n be leyin omo Ikin
Ifa mo pon leyin re gbendere
Orunmila mo pon leyin re gbendere
Iku laja
Iwo Orunmila lekun
Aja kii jamo leyin ekun laelae

Ifa lo di fere
Mo lo di sekedi
Big calabash has rolled home from the farm
People from Ijesa are calling on people from Ijamo
Owa, the king heard and hanged the leopard skin
The first time
They informed Olumoko that there was war
Olumoko came out
He said the war has not come
He said “I have not seen vulture on the locust bean tree”
He said “I have not seen ground horn bill on the baobab tree”
He said “no monkey has told me to deep hand into the war bag”
He said “the cock has not told me to bring out war charms”
He said “the bush fowl has not told me to destroy the world”
Olumoko went in
The third time
They said Olumoko, war has come
Olumoko came out
He saw vulture on the locust bean tree
He saw ground horn bill on the baobab tree
He heard monkey telling him to deep hand into his war bag
He heard cock telling him to bring out war charms
He heard bush fowl telling him to destroy the world
Olumoko then in anger drew his cutlass
He killed two hundred people on the right side
He killed two hundred people on the left side
He killed two hundred people at the middle
He said Ifa, I lean unto you
Orunmila, I lean unto you
The protector of the rat is always there for the rat
The protector of the fish is always there for the fish
The protector of the devotee of Ikin is always there for the devotee of Ikin
Ifa, I lean unto you
Orunmila, I lean unto you
Death is the dog
Orunmila, you are the leopard
No dog can snatch child from a leopard

A lot of gin should be sacrifice to Egbe Orun for divine help. Leaders should be generous to the followers for being stingy will make the latter run away from the former when the former need the latter most. People should not be self-centered for this act will lead to nothing but unpopularity and failure. On this, Ifa says:
Eruwa susu awo eba ona
A difa fun Igun
A difa fun Akala
A difa fun tentere
A difa fun Elegiiri ti somo ikeyin won
Won figba oke fun Igun
Igun fowo re ra iyan
Oun nikan soso lo fi je
Won figba oke fun Akala
Akala fowo re ra oka
Oun nikan soso lo fi je
Won figba oke fun Tentere
Tentere fowo re ra eko
Oun nikan soso lo fi je
Won figba oke fun Elegiiri
Elegiiri fowo re ra oti
O fun egbe aye mu
O fun egbe orun mu
Igi kan ya dina lerin
Ko je ki elerin o le roko
Won ranse si Igun
Igun jiyanjiyan ko lee gbegi
Won ranse si Akala
Akala jekajeka ko le gbegi
Won ranse si Tentere
Tentere jekojeko ko le gbegi
Won ranse si Elegiiri
Egbe aye e ba mi gbegi
Egbe orun e ba mi gbegi
Elegiiri, eeyan tii logun

Eruwa susu awo eba ona
Cast Ifa for Igun
Cast Ifa for Akala
Cast Ifa for Tenntere
Cast Ifa for Elegiiri, the youngest of them
Igun was given two hundred thousand shillings
Igun used it to buy pounded yam
It consumed it alone
Akala was given two hundred thousand shillings
Akala used it to buy yam flour meal
It consumed it alone
Tentere was given two hundred thousand shillings
Tentere used it to buy corn meal
It consumed it alone
Elegiiri was given two hundred thousand shillings
Elegiiri used it to buy gin
It shared it with worldly friends
It shared it with spiritual comrades
A tree fell and blocked the road at Erin
It restricted the movement of all including the king
They invited Igun
Igun consumed a lot of pounded yam but could not move the tree
They invited Akala
Akala consumed a lot of yam flour meal but could not move the tree
They invited Tentere
Tentere consumed a lot of corn meal but could not move the tree
They invited Elegiiri
My physical friends, kindly help me to move the tree
My spiritual friends, kindly help me to move the tree
Here comes Elegiiri, so war is better fought with a lot of warriors.

Ifa says we should not look down on any person. We should think more of quality and not the quantity in our endeavours this year. The divine strength of individuals should be our focus not our human strength. Ifa says we should all ask for blessings from Orunmila and not be overconfident. Ifa says the blessed people should not think it is because of their wisdom or perfection because Olodumare is the one who gives blessings. On this, Ifa says:

Akoko ni olori gbena gbena eye ninu oko
Ire ni amungun kokoro
A difa fun Mo-le-kogun awo ile Alara
A difa fun Mo-le-kogbon awo oke Ijero
A difa fun Mo-le-kaadota awo Epa tooro mofe
A difa fun Egbe-Ope
Tii se omo ikehin won lenje lenje
Ebo ni won ni ki won o jo se
Egbe-Ope ni n be leyin to n tubo
Kee pe o kee jina e wa bani ni jebutu ire
Jebutu ire laa bani lese Oba Orisa.

Akoko is the head of wood carvers among the birds
Ire is the head of soil borer among the insects
Cast Ifa for I-can-recite-twenty-Ifa-verses, the priest of Alara
Cast Ifa for I-can-recite-thirty-Ifa-verses, the priest of Ijero
Cast Ifa for I-can-recite-fifty-Ifa-verses, the priest of epa tooro mofe
Cast Ifa for Egbe-Ope
The youngest and most junior among four of them
They were asked to perform sacrifice
It was only Egbe-Ope that performed his own sacrifice
Not far, not long, we shall rejoice
It is in joyous condition we meet at the feet of the king of Orisa.

Egbe Orun
Yeye Eni

Don't tell lies
Don't eat grass cutter
Don't be stingy

Verses recorded, transcribed and translated by:
Oluwo (Dr.) Fayemi Fatunde Fakayode (Chairman, Publication Committee)
Chief (Dr.) Abiodun Fafolarin Agboola (Adviser)
Babaawo Fayemi Abidemi Fakayode
Oloye Fakayode Olanipekun
Oloye Fatunbi Adeniji

Aboru! Aboye! Abosise!

Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 6/5/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All! I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. This will be the last Pick-a-Card reading in the series. I hope you’ve enjoyed it! Meditate on the photo and choose the card that calls out to you. Today I posed the question ‘What are your spiritual gifts?’ Be Well!


#1 You have the gift of high wisdom. Esoteric knowledge flows through your veins. While others are seeking answers, you already have access to them. You are highly intuitive and would do well to honor your inner knowings. This high wisdom makes you a natural born healer. People flock to you for your healing and soothing abilities. Don’t be afraid of this ancient wisdom. Embrace it.

#2 You have the ability to transform upheaval and emotional storms into peace. You are the calm in the midst of the storm. People know they can come to you when they are in a crisis. They know that you have a way of bringing sensible answers and balance to unbalanced situations. Don’t be afraid of your own strong emotions, they are part of this gift. Your third eye is open and helps support your trans-formative energy.

#3 You are an innovator and action taker. Your spiritual gift surrounds dreaming up new plans and executing them. People are watching you and look to you for ideas. Your approaches are always new and exciting. You dance to the beat of your own drum. Your creativity has the ability to open portals between the realms. Celebrate your accomplishments.  

Interested in getting a personal Tarot or Ifa Reading contact me here:

10 Tips to Achieve Inner Balance


These are serious times…

Pandemics, lynchings…It’s all too much.

How have you been handling it all?

Are your moods shifting? Are you nervous and unsettled? Saddened by recent events?

The energy in the atmosphere is HEAVY. Parasites are feeding off of the highly charged emotion in the air. Maintaining inner balance is of the utmost importance at this time. I consistently make my mental, emotional, and physical well being a priority. There is nothing more important than my peace. Nothing. If you are struggling and in need of an emotional reset I’ve added some tips below. I hope it helps!

  1. Protect Your Energy At All Costs. Disconnect from any discussion, video, news report that elicits heavy emotion.

  2. Take time each day to center your energy. Stop, be still, and breathe. You can do this for 5 minutes per day, 10 minutes per day, however long you choose.

  3. Journal. Writing is a great way to release pent up emotion and shift energy.

  4. Pray. Call on your God and guides to support you during this time.

  5. Get outside. Get out of the house, take a walk, sit on a bench and admire nature. Don’t forget to practice social distancing.

  6. Be Creative. Sing, dance, write poetry, draw. Tap into the playfulness of the inner child.

  7. Find something to laugh at. Laughter can instantly lift your spirits.

  8. If you feel called to take action ask your ancestors and spirit guides for guidance on how to be of service. We all walk different paths. Work on determining which one is yours.

  9. Take a nap.

  10. Make Love, if you can do so safely.

Interested in getting a personal Tarot or Ifa Reading contact me here:

Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 5/29/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All! I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. May this Pick-a-Card be a source of inspiration for you today. Meditate on the photo and choose the card that calls out to you. Today I posed the question ‘How to connect with your higher self?’ Enjoy!


#1 Being of service will connect you to your higher self. You have a soul mission to support those in need. You know this. The more you do this work, the more you will tap into higher realms of understanding. This service could focus on the elderly, the sick or infirmed, children, the earth etc.

#2 Stop hiding aspects of yourself and begin living in your full authenticity. Connecting with your higher self means learning how to take the pieces of yourself that you’ve tucked away and lovingly expose them to the world. In what ways are you being deceptive to yourself? In what ways are you holding back? Trust your higher self to guide you. Trust your higher self to expose trickery in any form. Releasing fear and trusting that you are safe will support your connection with your higher self.

#3 Confusion is blocking you from connecting with your higher self. This confusion may stem from inner turmoil or outside forces. In order to foster connection with your higher consciousness it’s recommended that you find ways to ground yourself and settle your mind. Make it a goal to ensure that your surroundings are as peaceful as possible. You may be an empath which leaves you susceptible to energetic overload. Seek inner peace and balance to connect with your higher self. 

Interested in getting a personal Tarot or Ifa Reading contact me here: