
Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 5/29/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All! I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. May this Pick-a-Card be a source of inspiration for you today. Meditate on the photo and choose the card that calls out to you. Today I posed the question ‘How to connect with your higher self?’ Enjoy!


#1 Being of service will connect you to your higher self. You have a soul mission to support those in need. You know this. The more you do this work, the more you will tap into higher realms of understanding. This service could focus on the elderly, the sick or infirmed, children, the earth etc.

#2 Stop hiding aspects of yourself and begin living in your full authenticity. Connecting with your higher self means learning how to take the pieces of yourself that you’ve tucked away and lovingly expose them to the world. In what ways are you being deceptive to yourself? In what ways are you holding back? Trust your higher self to guide you. Trust your higher self to expose trickery in any form. Releasing fear and trusting that you are safe will support your connection with your higher self.

#3 Confusion is blocking you from connecting with your higher self. This confusion may stem from inner turmoil or outside forces. In order to foster connection with your higher consciousness it’s recommended that you find ways to ground yourself and settle your mind. Make it a goal to ensure that your surroundings are as peaceful as possible. You may be an empath which leaves you susceptible to energetic overload. Seek inner peace and balance to connect with your higher self. 

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