
10 Tips to Achieve Inner Balance


These are serious times…

Pandemics, lynchings…It’s all too much.

How have you been handling it all?

Are your moods shifting? Are you nervous and unsettled? Saddened by recent events?

The energy in the atmosphere is HEAVY. Parasites are feeding off of the highly charged emotion in the air. Maintaining inner balance is of the utmost importance at this time. I consistently make my mental, emotional, and physical well being a priority. There is nothing more important than my peace. Nothing. If you are struggling and in need of an emotional reset I’ve added some tips below. I hope it helps!

  1. Protect Your Energy At All Costs. Disconnect from any discussion, video, news report that elicits heavy emotion.

  2. Take time each day to center your energy. Stop, be still, and breathe. You can do this for 5 minutes per day, 10 minutes per day, however long you choose.

  3. Journal. Writing is a great way to release pent up emotion and shift energy.

  4. Pray. Call on your God and guides to support you during this time.

  5. Get outside. Get out of the house, take a walk, sit on a bench and admire nature. Don’t forget to practice social distancing.

  6. Be Creative. Sing, dance, write poetry, draw. Tap into the playfulness of the inner child.

  7. Find something to laugh at. Laughter can instantly lift your spirits.

  8. If you feel called to take action ask your ancestors and spirit guides for guidance on how to be of service. We all walk different paths. Work on determining which one is yours.

  9. Take a nap.

  10. Make Love, if you can do so safely.

Interested in getting a personal Tarot or Ifa Reading contact me here:

Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 5/8/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All! I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. May this Pick-a-Card be a source of inspiration for you today. Meditate on the photo and choose the card that calls out to you. Today I posed the question “What is the Full Moon in Scorpio trying to teach us?” Enjoy!


#1 The Full Moon in Scorpio is bringing you the knowledge that it’s time to transform your inner life. Shed the old skin that’s been hindering your forward movement. You are healing as you strive for inner balance. Wrap yourself up in your own love. Take time out for self reflection. Stop and smell the roses. Everything doesn’t have to be so serious. Honor the importance of moderation. Ase.

#2 The Full Moon in Scorpio is advising you to stop. Take a break from the tendency to rush around and get things done. What are you doing to look after yourself, to care for yourself? There is peace and serenity available to you now. Will you accept it? Slow down and enjoy the journey. Life is beautiful. Ase.

#3 The Full Moon in Scorpio is advising you to proceed slowly. There is something that deserves contemplation and a strategic approach. Don’t let emotions drive you? Do not allow anyone to pressure you. Carefully consider your next step. Meditate on it, pray on it, and then act. Be flexible and adaptive in your planning. Have a plan B. There is great creative energy available to you now. Use it or lose it. Ase.

Want a personal Tarot reading? Contact me here:

20 Days of Odu Ifa!


Greetings Readers!

It’s been a hell of a week and it’s only Wednesday. Feelings of confusion, discord, and dis-ease are in the air thanks to planetary aspects like Mercury Retrograde. In moments like this, it’s important to ground ourselves in the truth. The truth is that in each moment we have the option to choose how we respond to our surroundings. We can choose thoughts and practices that foster feelings of confusion, discord, and dis-ease or we can choose to shift our focus to bring about a better condition.

Thought often precedes emotion. Therefore heavy, negative thoughts invite in heavy emotion. While peaceful thoughts lead to peaceful emotional states. Ahh, the wonders of the human condition! May our thoughts call in peace and balance today.

In need of inspiration, join me on my social media platforms as I share quotes from the holy Odu via the series ‘20 Days of Odu Ifa’. Hope to see you there!

Will You Heed the Call?

We’re coming to the end of the intuitive writing series. For the next few weeks, I’ll choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Knave of Swords + High Priestess

There are times when we are asked to walk by faith. The spirits urge, poke and prod us. Pushing us towards the unfamiliar. We take tentative steps, hoping to gain clarity along the way. Self doubt, negative self talk and fear come from every angle. Can I do this? Is this the right choice? Maybe, I shouldn’t. The inner dialogue repeats in an endless loop. And yet, you continue to walk unsure of where you will end up.

Will you heed the call? The call of your consciousness to walk in a new direction? The loud, boisterous call coming from the depths of your soul. Will you? The cards are saying that new information is coming in. Your thoughts, ideas and insights are triggering inner knowings. Things that you’ve never considered before are calling to you. Will you heed the call? Your soul knows which direction you should take. Will you heed the call? There is something big calling you, something new. Push through your hesitation and your fear of the unknown.  

Go towards your destiny. Ase.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Breakthrough or Breakdown???

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

King of Wands + 7 of Swords + Temperance

It’s coming.

Can you feel it?

You are on the brink of a major breakthrough or breakdown.

Which will you choose?

Jess was training for a marathon. A week prior to the event she decided to run the full length of the marathon in preparation. She’d trained for months and had confidence that she could complete the run in record time. The morning air was warm as she began her run. Mile 1 came and went, as did Mile 2, 3, 4, 5.... Jess felt good. After another few miles Jess’ joints began to ache due to the humidity in the air. She remembered the possibility of rain showers. Intermittently rain falls. Jess continues. Intermittent drops become drizzle. Jess shrugs it off and continues. Thunder roars in the balance. It’s mile 15. Jess is on a roll and refuses to let a little rain stop her.

The storm comes. The rain, now heavier, begins to fall and threatens Jess’ resolve. She is determined to complete her run but is starting to worry. “The road is slick, what if I slip? My knees hurt. Another 11 miles. I don’t think so.” Jess is now considering all the reasons why she should stop running. Weary; she begins to slow down…

Jess has a choice. She can allow her thoughts and the physical conditions to impede her progress or she can push on. This goes for you as well. Will you allow stinkin’ thinkin’ or unpleasant conditions to slow you down or stop you? Or will you rise above the lower nature and  tap into your passion? Will you remain determined in the face of obstacles? Or will you throw in the towel? Will you choose moderation and discipline? Or will you overindulge and forgo your purpose?

This is your time.

Choose wisely.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:
