
Get Free

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

King of Chalices + 6 of Wands

When’s the last time you were emotionally balanced? When’s the last time you were at peace? Think about it. I’ll wait. Has it been a while? You are not alone. 13% of Americans are on antidepressants. Many who are not on psychiatric meds are using a number of other means to dull symptoms. How do we stop the madness? How do we stop the inner turmoil?

Rising above emotion is the key.  Many of us carry patterns in our emotional responses. We’ve been responding to the same experiences with the same thinking which leads to the same tired emotions. Some time ago I began to study my mind. I wanted to know why I felt the way I did. What I recognized almost instantly is that my negative, angry thinking would cause negative emotion. It was an Aha! moment for me. If I could avoid perpetuating negative, heavy thinking I could avoid the emotion that would inevitably follow. This my friends is emotional maturity. When a thought enters my field of consciousness I can say “No” and move on. If a thought continues to pop up I will not fight it because doing so is futile. I will just say “No” and divert my attention elsewhere. It takes practice. It takes awareness. The result of saying “No” to the same old tired thoughts/emotions is freedom. Get free.


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Indulge the Senses

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Sun + Ace of Chalices + The Hanged Man

As I write this my birthday is approaching. Birthdays always present a paradox for me. I am excited to be approaching another year of life (god-willing). Yet, I am disappointed that I am not where I thought I would be by this age. Each year around this time I experience a sense of joy and mourning.

A year is passing away while another is coming into fruition. And so the cards have fallen with this message. Encouraging you, encouraging me to play, to get out and have fun. Life is not meant to be lived without enjoyment of the senses. The human experience offers us opportunities to smell sweet scents, to tantilize tastebuds, to touch and be touched, to hear beautiful melodies, to see the beauty of creation.

What a waste to squander this gift. Joy and indulgence of the senses injects a fresh sense of well being into the human experience. It flows into our lives and leaves behind a refreshed emotional landscape. In the place of stress, sadness, and striving we find peace.   

This week’s message invites us to stop and smell the roses. Stop fighting and wishing things were different. Be still and see with the eyes of the heart. The eye which sees the truth, the truth that you are well. Now, get out and have some fun!!!


Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


The Enemy Within

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Moon & 5 of Chalices- The Enemy Within

It’s easy to look around and identify those people and situations that are burdensome to us. It’s not as easy to identify ourselves as the enemy; as the cause of our own demise. The enemy within comes as negative self-talk. It comes as doubt, fear, lack of confidence, and self-deprecation. It comes as confusion, comparing one’s self to others, and depression. The enemy within is a formidable opponent. The enemy within is the most dangerous opponent you will ever face and make no mistake this will be the most important battle of your life.

The enemy within can only be defeated or neutralized by your inner warrior. (Yes, they occupy the same space.) Tap into your warrior energy. Call on it when the enemy starts to plant seeds of doubt in your mind. Fight for your peace. Fight for your well being. Nothing is more important.

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Success Is Near

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

9 of Pentacles-Success is Near

Usually, success doesn’t come without a fight. In order to get to that bag, we have to dig in our heels and commit to closing the deal. There is a rugged determination successful people carry. They know that nothing but death will stop them from winning. The 9 of Pentacles asks, have you put in the work needed to reach your goals? Have you planted the seeds, watered the ground, and tended to your crops? Are you ready to harvest the fruits of your labor?

If you have done the work, today’s message encourages you to get ready for your returns. You are almost there. Continue pushing towards your goal. The work you have put in will surely pay off. Are you ready? I am!


Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Choose Joy

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

10 of Wands & Knight of Chalices-Choose Joy

Sometimes in the midst of chasing our goals we forget the importance of choosing joy. We are ripping and running. The race leaves us weary and burdened by worry. Yet, we still push on. Attempting to catch that which eludes us. Money, love, and more material possessions. We want it all and so we push ourselves. We work and work and work. Work becomes our life. It becomes our everything. Work becomes that thing which is placed above all else. There is nothing more important than making money to buy things. In the end death comes and the money stays behind. Our bodies and all we know dissolve. We return home.

Before you return to the place from which you emerged, choose joy. Laugh, jump, play, sing. Dance, twirl, love, roll. Give your all to joy. Let it encase you. Let it wrap you tight. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Let your skin bask in the glow of moonlight. Wish on a star. Embrace playfulness. You deserve it!


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