
It's a Celebration!

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

10 of Chalices-It’s a Celebration!

For months I lived with a roommate I didn’t particularly care for. He was passive aggressive and acted as if his word was law. Whenever I was alone in the space I felt free, light, and comfortable. Anytime he was home I avoided him. It was a very unpleasant way to live.

Throughout the duration of my stay I was looking for another place to live, which isn’t always easy in NYC. I searched and searched. Visiting apartment after apartment hoping to find a place that met my criteria. I was looking for a spot that was comfortable, peaceful, well-kept, affordable and pet-friendly.

One day I went to see a cute little place in Brooklyn. It was on the second floor of a private home right off the F train line. I could see myself living here in comfort. So I completed the application, gathered my documents and sent them off to the realtor. Finally! This was it. I had found my home.

Days passed and the realtor was unable to give me an answer on the status of the application. He indicated that the landlord was evasive because the current tenants were thinking about staying in the apartment after all. He asked that I give him a couple of days to sort things out. This place, though cute was not my home. I was disappointed. Yet, I was sure that it didn’t work out because it was not supposed to. It was not my time to move, even though I was eager to.

When the timing was right and only when the timing was right I was blessed with the opportunity to move into a beautiful place of my own. It is peaceful, pet-friendly, well-kept, and comfortable. It is everything that I’ve wanted!  And the bonus is that it has gorgeous hardwood floors. (I love hardwood floors!) At times the journey is long and arduous. Hold on. There will be cause to celebrate. Your time is coming. 

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


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The Storms of Life

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Tower-Storms of Life

Most of us, if not all of us, has experienced a Tower moment. A moment in which we are devastated by a sudden change or loss. One such moment occurred for me during Hurricane Sandy. I had just returned from vacationing in South Beach. I went from sunbathing on the Southeastern coast to living without basic necessities such as water and electricity.

The tower brings with it the harsh reality that change is the only constant in life and that change sometimes takes us far away from our comfort zones.

The tower says no to stagnation.

The tower causes movement whether we are ready or not.

The tower clears away all that stands on a faulty foundation.

Tower moments are daunting but they are also empowering. Tower moments give you the opportunity to see what you are made of. Tower moments allow us to see the great fragility and resilience of humanity. Ultimately, the tower will make us better, stronger.  

Eeeepa Oya!

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:



For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as an intuitive writing prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!


In the West African tradition of Ifa, Orisa Sango represents courage. Sango is the energy we tap into when we are paralyzed by fear; unable to progress in love. It is Sango that we call on when we have become stuck in a rut and are afraid to try a different path. Oba ko so. The king did not hang is a chant followers use to connect with this deity.

Susan is in a relationship with Tod. She’s been with Tod for 10 years. Tod is a handful, to say the least. She loves him but he has cheated on multiple occasions and is emotionally abusive. Susan is unhappy with this treatment but stays out of fear that she will end up alone.

Drake has worked as a custodian in a public school since getting his High School diploma. This is not the work he wanted to do but the pay is decent and the benefits are good. Drake gets up and goes to work 6 days a week without excitement. As a youth, he dreamed of becoming a professional piano player. His parents discouraged this saying that he wouldn’t make enough money to take care of himself. Over time Drake became afraid of leaving the stability of his city job and let go of his dreams.

Connecting with Orisa Sango would be a great benefit to Susan and Drake. For in connecting with Sango, one is essentially connecting with their own inner source of strength and courage. Courage = Freedom

In what way is fear blocking your path?

In what area of your life are you stuck and unable to move simply because you are afraid?

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:



Are you Ready?

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

7 of Chalices-Are you ready?

She stands in a lush garden surveying the cups/chalices that lay before her. Each chalice represents an opportunity for emotional fulfillment or disappointment. She has options. In her choosing of one cup, she will neglect another. All of her desires can be found at her feet.  

When faced with a number of choices how does one choose? How do we know which cup will yield the desired result?

I don’t think we understand the importance of making choices that are aligned with our destiny. One wrong move can propel us in a direction that is detrimental to our wellbeing. While one right move can lead to great success.

The key in choosing correctly is knowing what you truly desire. Buried deep down inside you know exactly what you want. The truth lies within your being. Stillness, prayer, and divination are all tools that can align you with this knowledge.

Being clear about what you want in any given moment provides a clear path to abundance. It triggers your will and inner fire. Being confident in one's desire sends a signal to our spiritual allies that we are ready to receive abundance. Are you ready?


Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Cutting Through The Bullshit...

For the next few months, I will choose a card from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Chariot + King of Swords-Cutting Through the Bullshit... 

Many people move through life carrying patterns of behavior and habits that are counterproductive to their well being. These individuals become upset when they experience the same hardship again and again. I am a member of this group. Therefore, I am speaking from experience. It is time to stop repeating patterns and willfully participating in harmful cycles. Today, I say no more.

The current universal energy is providing a momentum which will allow for the instant manifestation of new ways, new practices, and ways of being. What we once considered impossible becomes possible. A bad habit can be released in a moment. A harmful way of thinking can be swept away. Things that have been with you for decades, can now fall away at a moment’s notice.

This shift in consciousness starts with your intention. Getting clear about what you want your life to look and feel like will propel you in the right direction. Knowing what you will allow into your space and what you will say no to is imperative. Mental clarity is at the forefront of this great shift. Cut through your bullshit, gain clarity and watch magic manifest.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:

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