10 Tips to Achieve Inner Balance
These are serious times…
Pandemics, lynchings…It’s all too much.
How have you been handling it all?
Are your moods shifting? Are you nervous and unsettled? Saddened by recent events?
The energy in the atmosphere is HEAVY. Parasites are feeding off of the highly charged emotion in the air. Maintaining inner balance is of the utmost importance at this time. I consistently make my mental, emotional, and physical well being a priority. There is nothing more important than my peace. Nothing. If you are struggling and in need of an emotional reset I’ve added some tips below. I hope it helps!
Protect Your Energy At All Costs. Disconnect from any discussion, video, news report that elicits heavy emotion.
Take time each day to center your energy. Stop, be still, and breathe. You can do this for 5 minutes per day, 10 minutes per day, however long you choose.
Journal. Writing is a great way to release pent up emotion and shift energy.
Pray. Call on your God and guides to support you during this time.
Get outside. Get out of the house, take a walk, sit on a bench and admire nature. Don’t forget to practice social distancing.
Be Creative. Sing, dance, write poetry, draw. Tap into the playfulness of the inner child.
Find something to laugh at. Laughter can instantly lift your spirits.
If you feel called to take action ask your ancestors and spirit guides for guidance on how to be of service. We all walk different paths. Work on determining which one is yours.
Take a nap.
Make Love, if you can do so safely.
Interested in getting a personal Tarot or Ifa Reading contact me here: https://www.daydreamalston.com/stayintouch