
Mecury Retrograde, Again?!?

We’re coming to the end of the intuitive writing series. For the next few weeks, I’ll choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

8 of Swords + 5 of Pentacles + The Magician

Shit is real in these streets. We are all experiencing some level of frustration. Mercury is retrograde yet again. Confusion and discord abound. People stumble along blindly trying to find their way. Aggravation, worry, and despondence are inevitable. They will enter but it’s our job to ensure that they do not take up residence.

Shit is real in these streets but the way you perceive your current situation is only making it worse. The victim mentality creates a prison for those who indulge in it. Are you imprisoning yourself with negative thinking? Are you the cause of your own bondage? Have you been feeling hopeless? Do you focus on what you lack? If you answered yes to any of these questions, know you are not alone. The struggle is universal.

The truth is each one of us has the ability to exert our will to bring forth change. The Magician comes forth to remind us that even though shit is real we have the POWER to shift situations and circumstances. We have been blessed with the ability to act as co-creators here on earth. What do you want to create? Break free of excessive worry, fear, confusion, and feelings of lack. Break free from bondage and be the magician.

Be the Magician.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Will You Heed the Call?

We’re coming to the end of the intuitive writing series. For the next few weeks, I’ll choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Knave of Swords + High Priestess

There are times when we are asked to walk by faith. The spirits urge, poke and prod us. Pushing us towards the unfamiliar. We take tentative steps, hoping to gain clarity along the way. Self doubt, negative self talk and fear come from every angle. Can I do this? Is this the right choice? Maybe, I shouldn’t. The inner dialogue repeats in an endless loop. And yet, you continue to walk unsure of where you will end up.

Will you heed the call? The call of your consciousness to walk in a new direction? The loud, boisterous call coming from the depths of your soul. Will you? The cards are saying that new information is coming in. Your thoughts, ideas and insights are triggering inner knowings. Things that you’ve never considered before are calling to you. Will you heed the call? Your soul knows which direction you should take. Will you heed the call? There is something big calling you, something new. Push through your hesitation and your fear of the unknown.  

Go towards your destiny. Ase.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Your Inheritance Awaits!

We’re coming to the end of the intuitive writing series. For the next few weeks, I’ll choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Knight of Pentacles + The Empress

When I pulled these cards something in my spirit stood at attention. I became excited. A sound of exasperation escaped my lips and I felt the word inheritance. Yes, I said I felt the word. I didn’t hear it. When my intuition speaks it does so clearly and with certainty. It screams inaudibly. Suddenly, I know the truth. Suddenly, without any forethought, I know the answer. That’s what happened when I pulled the Knight of Pentacles and The Empress. I examined the symbols, the colors and the general spirit of the cards. And received this message >>> Your inheritance is coming. A gift of abundance and wealth is coming your way. Are you ready to receive it? Your passion and will power are the keys to this abundance. Your adherence to the natural laws of the universe is yet another key.

At this time be sure to put yourself in the position to receive.

Be open.

Stay hopeful & encouraged no matter what your situation looks like.

Pray and make offering.

Take walks in nature.

Pursue joy.





Embrace your humanity.

Do good.

Be encouraged knowing that your struggle is about to come to an end. Ase.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Take That Leap!

We’re coming to the end of the intuitive writing series. For the next few weeks, I’ll choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

Queen of Chalices + The Fool

It’s time to take that leap. You’ve been planning, intellectualizing, and considering making that move for far too long. The cards are saying that you have deliberated long enough. It’s time. It’s time to let go of your fear, hesitation, and self sabotaging ways. It’s time to get out of your own way. This will not be easy. It may not feel natural. Yet, it must be done. Be the fool. Jump. Jump into what moves your spirit. Jump into that practice, that new home, the relationship that just feels right. This may be a completely new way of being. Jump.

Do so with emotional vulnerability and trust. Your higher self is pushing and prodding you into a new state of being. A state of being that will user in blessings upon blessings. In order to secure these blessings you must step outside of your comfort zone. Jump. It’s scary, I know. It causes butterflies in your stomach, I know. You doubt yourself at the very thought of going this far from what you’ve become accustomed to. I know. None of this matters. You can jump while you’re pissing your pants. It’s okay to be afraid. It’s not okay to remain stagnant because of that fear. Jump into the unknown. Do it with faith. Do it knowing that you are being divinely guided every step of the way. Do it with a smile on your face, and peace in your heart. Jump.  

You will know the truth by how it feels.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:


Initiate Peace

For the next few months, I will choose cards from the African American Tarot deck as a prompt for my blog posts. Let’s see what spiritual insight I come up with!

The Lovers + Queen of Swords + 5 of Wands

The cards tell a story. The imagery, numbers, and symbols weave together to provide a vision of what lies ahead. The subconscious calls forth the cards needed to communicate this vision and help us see the truth in our situations. It is our job to tune in and pay attention to the messages that emerge.

This week we find a combination of cards which encourages us to move in the direction of others and to do so lovingly. Venus is now in retrograde. This aspect can put a strain on relationships if we are not conscious of our behaviors and patterns. The Lovers card is a card of merging. The coming together of two souls in the name of love. The sun shines down on the individuals who have made the choice to love. The heavens celebrate their union. During this time allow the energy of the Queen to come in with her clarity and bless your relations. Approach communications clearly and with a sharp mind. Your intelligence will serve you well at this time. Do not allow emotion to overrule your logic. This clarity supports you in moving through this retrograde period smoothly and with little disturbance.

The 5-a number of change indicates that change is coming to your relationships. Change is not always enjoyable but it is a constant, one that we can not avoid. The way to move through this change smoothly is to do so with focus and adaptability. Focus on your prefered outcomes instead of worrying about all that could go wrong. Adapt gracefully instead of holding onto past ways of being. Your blessings are forthcoming only if you prepare for their arrival.

If you want peaceful relationships, initiate peace. If you want balanced relationships, initiate balance. If on the other hand you want to engage in discord, that option is available to you as well. It really is your choice.

Be clear in your intention and send out what you want to attract.

Want a Tarot Reading?!? Contact me here:
