
Red Hook Poetry Expo

I was ecstatic when I received notice that I had won the Safe in the City Grant! I read through the details and learned that I would be granted $1000 to host my event The Red Hook Poetry Expo. The Expo would provide a safe space for Red Hook residents to share their poetry, prose, and words of inspiration. It would also double as a launch event for my book of poetry, Reflections!

After weeks of planning and preparation, the day had come. I stood in the event space, nervous yet hopeful. In all about 30 people showed up. It was a blessing to look out into the audience and see familiar faces and loved ones. 

The event started with a welcoming address and featured poets. We then moved on to the open mic and closed with a Soul Train line. The event, the people, the feel, was magical. 

I am grateful!



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Free Ebook!

Relationships can be such a pleasure and such a pain! They can take me to the highest of heights and the lowest of lows, all in the span of days. What I have learned over time is that love is lifetime work. Each day we have the opportunity to choose love.

The Not-so-Patiently Waiting E-Edition calls on readers to review habits and beliefs that may be blocking love. And it's free! Download your copy today! 

Get your copy here: Not-so-patiently-waiting-Eedition

There is Power in Acceptance...

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I am able to change.
— Carl Rogers

There is power in acceptance, in accepting pain, poor character traits, loss. There is power in giving yourself the space to be human and flawed and imperfect. This is the message that is coming through loud and clear at this time. I struggle with habitual and painful ways of perceiving the world. I limit myself with my own fearful thinking. Today I accept this about myself. I will not berate nor beat myself up for feeling this way. That would be like dumping shit on top of shit.
Instead, I accept this pattern. I accept it and work to improve it simultaneously. There is power in acceptance.

Summer Solstice Blessings!!!



Happy Summer Solstice!

We have arrived. After months of cold, dreary weather the sun has graced us with its presence (here in NYC). I am grateful. I came across a writing recently that caused me to stop and ponder its validity. A blogger stated that the solstice often comes with blessings in tow. She encouraged readers to reflect on the prior solstice and all the blessings that came with it. I spent some time in contemplation of this idea and came to the conclusion that she is correct.

Last Summer Solstice I was unemployed, sleeping in a relatives living room and engaged in a dating situation that was going nowhere. Within days of the last summer solstice, I was blessed with 2 competing job offers and a new ultra-loving relationship! And this summer solstice came bearing the gift of an apartment!

What is it about the solstice that makes it such a powerful time for manifestation? Perhaps the answer is found in the fact that this marks a time when the sun is at its zenith. In its fullness, it supports our fullness. At its apex, it supports our apex.

This is not only true for me. I’m sure that it is true for many of you as well. Feel free to share what gifts the Summer Solstice has brought you this year!