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Free Tarot Pick-a-Card 5/22/20 (Timeless)

Greetings All! I sincerely hope that you are safe and healthy as you read this. May this Pick-a-Card be a source of inspiration for you today. Meditate on the photo and choose the card that calls out to you. Today we explore messages related to love & relationships. Enjoy!

#1 Have fun in love! The sun is shining. Restrictions are lifting. Lighten up, get out and enjoy the love you have in your life. If you are single you will find love as you embrace fun and beauty. There is a bigger picture surrounding your love life. You may not understand it now but you will in time.

#2 It’s time to explore and expand your awareness of love. Let go of old, heavy thinking and patterns about love. Approach it with fresh eyes and renewed passion. A spark of inspiration is coming to your love life. Pay attention to the signs. Things are about to get interesting.

#3 You’ve felt stuck in love. It’s as if nothing’s moving. Perhaps you are going through a dry spell. Your relationship or love life is stale and unchanging. Your spirit is pushing you to be open to possibilities in love. Think outside the box. Take the limits off of your thinking about love. Raise your expectations and standards. Be open to the love that the universe wants to send your way. Some of you may have a choice between 2 partners. Choose wisely.

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