Relax and Rejoice...
Relax and Rejoice
What a time we find ourselves in… I am still in disbelief at this sudden turn of events. At least once a day I stop what I’m doing, shake my head and say “This sh*t is nuts”.
There is no better time to depend upon one’s faith than in times of uncertainty. This is the time to pray. This is the time to call on one’s ancestors. This is the time for ritual. This is the time for meditation. This is the time to be still and listen for guidance. In my faith, the Ifa/Orisha tradition, followers are expected to practice hopefulness at all times. No matter what the situation looks like, no matter how much fear and confusion it elicits it is the practitioners’ job to be hopeful about the future. I pray you are well in this moment. That you are encouraged and strengthened by your faith. I pray that you are choosing to be optimistic and hopeful about what’s to come. Ase!
P.S. I am happy to announce that I’m offering new services. You may contact me for Tarot and Ifa readings as well as Hand of Ifa and Orisha Icons! Interested? Contact me here >>>