20 Days of Odu Ifa!
Greetings Readers!
It’s been a hell of a week and it’s only Wednesday. Feelings of confusion, discord, and dis-ease are in the air thanks to planetary aspects like Mercury Retrograde. In moments like this, it’s important to ground ourselves in the truth. The truth is that in each moment we have the option to choose how we respond to our surroundings. We can choose thoughts and practices that foster feelings of confusion, discord, and dis-ease or we can choose to shift our focus to bring about a better condition.
Thought often precedes emotion. Therefore heavy, negative thoughts invite in heavy emotion. While peaceful thoughts lead to peaceful emotional states. Ahh, the wonders of the human condition! May our thoughts call in peace and balance today.
In need of inspiration, join me on my social media platforms as I share quotes from the holy Odu via the series ‘20 Days of Odu Ifa’. Hope to see you there!